
yoU dID wHAt!!!

well I finally did it and boy does it feel good....As of March 1st I am newly natural and loving it! After 18 long months of transitioning I had to let go of the baggage of the old me and although 2009 was a major year in so many wonderful ways (i'll save all that for another time) it was time to start anew...

OK I'll spill the juicy details about my BC. I chose to do it the last day of Feb well.... just cause...I had been playing with the idea of BC'ing for months and needed to set a definitive date so I took out my calendar and circled 02-28-2010.
After putting Lil Bear to bed I gathered my supplies:

*Spray Bottle (water, olive oil)
*Rattail comb
*butterfly clips
*ponytail holders
*shea/coconut mix
I sectioned my hair into 6 sections starting from back to front.I made smaller sections within those, sprayed the area where the 2 textures met and held my hair at a 90degree angle while cutting. It was pretty clear where my line of demarcation was so the rest was a breeze.... overall I took a lil over an hour to do it all.
<> while chopping I noticed a few areas with heat damage from my blowout and even 1tiny spot where my hair broke of to about 2 in long. uuuggghhhhh....I tried so hard to protect my hair from heat damage but nonetheless ISH HAPPENS! so I digress...
I already washed my hair the day before so I skipped that step and proceeded to doing med sized twists using the same spritz mix and shea/coconut mix. The next morning took them out and fluffed. I must admit I became quite nervous when it came time to leave the house with this new "accessory"of mine so I literally had to talk myself down from throwing on my good ole wig!
I definitely got more stares than usual that day...who knows maybe my mind was playing tricks on me =P
either way I felt fAb and fiErCe & am thrilled that I finally did it.

So to my followers LOOK OUT ya girl is back like neon nails and spandex heheheee =D

until next time


Milan said...

Congrats again! You look great. :D

Unknown said...

thank for following my blog, ur hair looks great, thanks for sharing ur story.


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