
26 weeks 5days...

This is my last week in the 2nd trimester and I can't believe how fast its going. Had a Dr's visit today and got to see my baby's face in 3d...... HE is such a cutie patootie =). I have had some complications this past month like back pain, and a minor ankle cramp but still nothing to complain about really. My Dr. says having a toddler to run after can be difficult while pregnant so try to take it easy, bu that's pretty hard when she is so inquisitive and has tons of energy...I try to always keep her entertained until daddy gets home. My lil girl is aware that mommy has a baby in the belly and often comes up to me and kiss her lil brother ( It melts my heart). It seems like yesterday she was in my belly, it is just surreal! Well until next time.....


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