
GrEAT NeWs...

It has been forever and a day but I want to pop in to let you in on some exciting news for me and my husband...drumrolll.... We are having another baby! our babygirl just turned a year in september and we are on our way to number 2 , by the time I deliver she will be 20 months or so. I am so excited yet nervous but I know GOd never gives us anything we cannot handle. I am currently 21 weeks along and feel pretty good...I mean I have major back pain every now and then but that is the only problem I have so far. From what I can tell so far I have pretty easy pregnancies, with my first I had evening sickness, nose bleeds and tiredness early on but by the second trimester I was feeling like new again. This time around I haven't had any nose bleeds but I do experience violent episodes of throwing up whenever I brush my teeth.. TMI, maybe. All in all I am feeling blessed, I feel great and am determined to go the natural route again, by the grace of God everything will go as smooth as it did with my daughter.

As far as my hair I have been slacking a bit but I ALWAYS keep my hair moisturized and braided or twisted and never skip deep treatments...I am in need of a trim though and may do that while my hair is in small braids but otherwise I have been keeping it really simple. I am tempted to straighten my hair for my birthday in December but am not quite sure I want to risk any heat damage. I may just get a sew-in weave or quick weave IDK yet! August made 2 years since I last had a relaxer and my hair is probably twice as long as it was when I had that last relaxer- amazing how much length you retain when you're not putting chemicals on your hair.

I still have no access to the cpu at home but try to get to the library every now and then to check my emails. I feel so bad that I have been neglecting my blog =( I truly Love blogging! since becoming a mom it helps me even more to get relaxed and clear my mind from the stresses of life.... Well I'll drop in again from time to time to let you all know how we're doing and of course update about my hair situation.

until next time.............



Unknown said...


Do you know what you're having this time around?

Niki Tasha said...

sorry took so long but yeah its a boy this time Yippie!
How have you been feeling belly buddy? LOL


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